Monday, October 22, 2012

More on Wheat: Einkorn Ancient

Last week, as I was considering something for my next post I came across something I hadn't seen before, Einkorn flour.  One of the first wheats to be domesticated around 10,000 years ago along with Emmer, Einkorn(Triticum monococcum) makes a softer, milder loaf with a slightly closed crumb structure.  It is believed some of the first hybridized wheats were from Einkorn and Emmer.  They were bred from already existing wild plants whose seeds did not blow away with the wind.  This was a first step toward  stable communities as people did not have to move themselves in order to find food.  Through this cultivation, culture and agriculture began.  It is also genetically different than modern day wheat and is significantly more nutritious.
For lots more information and recipes check out